How Soon Can You Start Applying for Business Grants?

There are a variety of private organizations offering grants to businesses impacted by COVID-19. Additionally, state and local governments may offer grants to businesses in certain states or counties. Funds for these programs may go quickly, so you want to keep your eyes open for new programs and apply if you think you qualify.
For example, Miami-Dade County’s Mom and Pop Small Business Grant helps growing businesses cover the costs of equipment, marketing, insurance, renovations and more. While we adhere to strict
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this post may contain references to products from our partners. For complete information, see the terms and conditions on the financing and service issuer’s website. In most cases, once you click “apply now”, you will be redirected to the issuer’s website where you may review the terms and conditions of the product before proceeding.
Small business grants provide limited investments — anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a hundred thousand or more — for startups and other smaller companies. This is a great first step if you’re not ready to go through a more traditional and rigorous venture capital funding process. Grants can come from government agencies, nonprofits, or social responsibility arms of major corporations. Although there are a range of programs for general startups, certain incubators target specific demographics, like underserved business owners. Head Boss in Charge Headquarters (HBICHQ), for example, is a Seattle-based nonprofit that serves women and minority-owned startup businesses. It offers merit-based grants for graduates of several of its educational programs.
The term “first-time entrepreneur” describes someone who has never owned or operated a business. This can be an individual, a couple or a group working together outside the usual corporate framework. In the meantime, start building your store with a free 3-day trial of Shopify.
Additionally, your business must fall within specific size standards in order to qualify as a “small” business. The Small Business Association (SBA) exists to help small businesses find funding to grow their companies. You can check the SBA website to determine if your business is eligible to apply based on your average number of employees or your average annual receipts. Small businesses can see k various grants, including private grants from corporations and grants from federal, state and local governments.